What Happens to Soul After Death Garud Puran

What happens after expiry?… Garuda Purana

The Garuda Purana is ane of eighteen Mahāpurāṇa genre of texts in Hinduism. It is a office of Vaishnavism literature corpus and narrated in the class of a conversation betwixt Lord Vishnu and Garuda (King of Birds), primarily emphasizing the meaning of human life. Information technology contains details of life after decease, funeral rites and reincarnation, and therefore is recited every bit a part funeral rites in Hindu culture.

The write up below provides a gist of the great teachings in the Garuda Puranam

*What Happens After Expiry ??*

What is death ?

Is in that location life later on decease ?

Is death painful?

What happens after expiry ?

How does rebirth happen ?

Where do we get after death ?

These kind of questions related to the nigh feared event that ends our life ever fill our heed, especially when any of our near or dear ones die.

We experience that suddenly the relationship has cleaved abruptly and wish there could be a connectedness once again. In this quest, our journey to find answers to the higher up questions begin …

*So, what happens afterwards decease ?*

Expiry is actually a very interesting process !!

*Disconnection of the world sole chakras*

Approximately four–5 hours earlier death, the world sole chakras situated below the feet gets discrete … symbolizing disconnection from the earth plane !!

A few hours before an individual dies, their feet plough cold. When the actual time to depart arrives, information technology is said that Yama, the God of expiry appears to guide the soul.

*The Astral Cord*

Death severs the astral cord, which is the connection of the soul to the torso. Once this cord is cut the soul becomes free of the body and moves upwardly and out of the body.

If the soul is attached to the concrete body it occupied for this lifetime, it refuses to leave and tries to go into the torso and move it and stay in it. We may observe this as a very subtle or slight movement of the face, hand or leg after the person has died.

The soul is unable to accept that it is dead. At that place is still a feeling of being live. Since the astral cord has been severed, the soul cannot stay hither and is pushed upwards and out of the body. There is a pull from to a higher place … a magnetic pull to get upwards.

*End of the physical trunk*

At this stage the soul hears many voices, all at the same time. These are the thoughts of all the individuals present in the room.

The soul on its part talks to his loved ones similar he always did northward shouts out "I am not dead" !!

But alas, nobody hears him…

Slowly and steadily the soul realizes that it is dead and at that place is no way back. At this stage, the soul is floating at approx 12 feet or at the height of the ceiling, seeing and hearing everything happening around.

Generally the soul floats around the body till information technology is cremated. So, the adjacent time if y'all see a body being carried for cremation, be informed that the soul is also part of the procession seeing, hearing and witnessing everything and everyone.

*Detachment from the torso*

Once the cremation is complete, the soul is convinced that. the main essence of its survival on world is lost and the body information technology occupied for so many years has merged into the five elements.

The soul experiences consummate freedom, the boundaries it had while existence in the torso are gone and it tin travel anywhere by mere idea.

For 7 days the soul, moves near its places of interest like its favorite articulation, morning time walk garden, role, etc. If the soul is possessive of his money, it will only stay near his closet, or if he is possessive of his children, it will just be in their room, clinging on to them.

By the end of the 7th day, the soul says bye to his family and moves further upward to the periphery of the world plane to cross over to the other side.

*The Tunnel*

Its said that in that location is a big tunnel hither which it has to cross before reaching the astral plane. Hence its said that the first 12 days later decease are extremely crucial.

We take to deport out the rituals correctly and pray and ask forgiveness from the soul, so that it does not bear negative emotions like injure, hatred, anger, etc atleast from the well-nigh and dear ones.

All the rituals, prayers and positive energy act like nutrient for the soul which will help information technology in its onward journey. At the end of the tunnel is a huge brilliant light signifying the entry into the astral world.

*Meeting the Ancestors*

On the 11th northward 12th 24-hour interval Hindus conduct homas and prayers and rituals through which the soul is united with its ancestors, close friends, relatives and the guides.

All the passed away ancestors welcome the soul to the upper plane and they greet and hug them exactly similar we exercise here on seeing our family members later a long time.

The soul and so forth with its guides are taken for a thorough life review of the life merely completed on earth in the presence of the *Neat Karmic Board.* Information technology is here in the pure light that the whole by life is viewed !!

*Life Review*

At that place is no approximate, in that location is no God here. The soul judges himself, the way he judged others in his lifetime. He asks for revenge for people who troubled him in that life, he experiences. guilt for all wrongdoings he did to people and asks for self punishment to learn that lesson. Since the soul is not leap by the body and. the ego, the final judgment becomes the basis of the next lifetime.

Based on this, a complete life structure is created by the soul himself, chosen the blue print. All the incidents to be faced, all problems to be faced, all challenges to be overcome are written in this agreement.

In fact the soul chooses all the minute details like age, person and circumstances for all incidents to exist experienced.

Case : An individual had severe headache in his nowadays nascency, zippo helped him, no medicines, no way out. In a session of past life regression, he saw himself killing his neighbour in a previous birth by keen his head with a huge stone.

In the life review, when he saw this he became very guilty and. asked for the same pain to exist experienced by him by way of a never ending headache in this life.

*Blue impress*

This is the way we judge ourselves and in guilt enquire for punishment. The amount of guilt in the soul, decides the severity of the penalisation n level of suffering. Hence forgiveness is very vital. We must forgive and seek forgiveness !!

Clear your thoughts and emotions, as nosotros carry them forward to the other side too. Once this review is done and our blue impress for the adjacent life is formed, then there is a cooling period.

*The re-nascence*

We are built-in depending on what we accept asked for in the understanding. The cooling off menstruum also depends on our urgency to evolve.

Nosotros cull our parents and enter the mothers womb either at the time of egg germination or during the 4–5th calendar month or sometimes fifty-fifty at the last moment just before nativity.The universe is so perfect, then beautifully designed that the time and. place of nativity constitutes our horoscope, which actually is a bluish impress of this life. Most of us think that our stars are bad and we are unlucky but in actuality, they just mirror your agreement.

In one case we are reborn, for around 40 days the baby remembers its past life and laughs and cries by itself without anyone forcing it to. The memory of the past life is completely cut after this and nosotros experience life as though we did not exist in the past.*

*The agreement starts..*

Its here that nosotros are completely in the earth plane and the contract comes into full result. We so arraign God/people for our hard situations and. curse God for giving us such a difficult life …

So, the next time before pointing to the Divine, sympathise that our circumstances are simply helping united states complete and laurels our agreement, which is fully and completely written by us. Whatever we have asked for and pre decided is exactly what nosotros receive !!

Friends, relatives, foes, parents, spouses all have been selected past the states in the blue impress and come in our lives based on this agreement. They are merely playing their parts and are merely actors in this film written, produced and directed by usa !!

*Exercise the Dead need healing / prayers / protection ?*

The dead always need serious healing and. prayers for a variety of reasons, the most important 1 beingness … To be free and not earthbound !! … that is stuck in the earth airplane and unable to go out.

There are many reasons for the soul to be earthbound similar unfinished concern, excessive grief, trauma on death, sudden expiry, fear of moving on to the astral plane, guilt, one of the most of import being improper finishing of concluding rites and rituals.

The soul feels it needs a little more time to expect and cease before moving on. This keeps them hovering on the earth plane. Only the time is limited and it is very very of import that they cantankerous over inside 12 days to their astral plane of existence, as the entry to the astral world closes a few days after this.

Earthbound spirits pb a very miserable beingness every bit they are neither in their actual aeroplane nor in a body to lead an earthly life. They may not be negative or harmful but they are stuck and miserable. Hence healing and prayers are of utmost importance during this period so that the departed soul crosses over to the designated astral airplane peacefully.

Prayers by the whole family unit is very vital to aid the dead cantankerous over. The protection of the soul to help it reach its destination in the astral world is achieved through prayers.

Please Practice Not Take Death Lightly … Now more than than e'er most souls are stuck on the world aeroplane due to lack of belief and family fail.

Finally, for someone who has lost a nearly and honey 1, don't feel sad … We never dice, we live on, death does not cease annihilation, it is but a little break earlier we meet over again !!


Source: https://medium.com/@shinningstars0902/what-happens-after-death-garuda-purana-89de81a0950a

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